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Publications for the year 2023

  • Basak S, ASM Raja- Combustion properties of paper treated with chicken egg shell: A potential solid waste. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 32 (2023) 100930.
  • Bharimalla A.K., Deshmukh, S.P., Patil Sharmila., Nadanathangam, V.,  Saxena Sujata. (2023) Development of energy efficient nanocellulose production process by enzymatic pretreatment and controlled temperature refining of cotton linters. Cellulose, 30 (2), 833-847, (NAAS: 12.12)
  • CS, Sahay, DS Thorar, SS Kautkar, AK Patil and PK Pathak. 2023. Grass Seed Harvesting: Methods, Machines and Aspects. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(02):512-515. (IGFRI work)
  • Dattatreya M. Kadam, Sayali Suresh Parab, Akansha Kasara, Mohini M. Dange, Manoj Kumar Mahawar, Manoj Kumar, V.G. Arude (2023). Effect of microwave pre-treatment on protein extraction from de-oiled cottonseed meal and its functional and antioxidant properties, Food and Humanity, Vol. 1, 263-270. December 2023
  • Dukare, A., Sharma, K., Nadanathangam, V., Nehete, L., & Saxena, S. (2023). Valorization of Cotton Seed Hulls as a Potential Feedstock for the Production of Thermostable and Alkali-Tolerant Bacterial Xylanase. BioEnergy Research, 1-14. (NAAS – 9.85)
  • Ghadge, S.V.,Shukla, S.K., Satankar, V., Patil, D.U. (2023) Design and Development of Boll Opener Machine for Processing of Kawdi Cotton in Indian Ginneries.(2023) Cotton Research Development 37 (1), 159-165.
  •  Govindaraj O., Gopal N.O., Raja A. S. M. and Sivakumar U. (2023). Influence of Novel EnZolv Pretreatment on the Release of Reducing Sugar and Proximate Content of Banana Fiber. Indian J Microbiol. (NAAS Rating: 9.1)
  • Govindaraj, O., Olaganathan, G.N., Raja ASM, Sivakumar Uthandi, 2023. An eco-friendly EnZolv pretreatment optimization in banana fiber biomass using response surface methodology (RSM) and its structural characterization. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2023). (NAAS Index: 10.05)
  •  Jalgaonkar, K., Mahawar M.K., Vishwakarma, R.K. (2023) Destalking of dry red chillies (Capsicum annum L.) and its characterization (2023) Journal of Food Science and Technology, 60: 404-418 (NAAS – 9.10)
  •  Jyoti Dhakane-Lad, Abhijit Kar & Avinash Singh Patel (2023). SC-CO2 extraction of lycopene from red papaya using rice bran oil as a co-solvent lessens its degradation during . Separation Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2023.2255738. (NAAS Index: 8.80) 
  • Kadam, D. M., Kasara, A., Parab, S. S., Mahawar, M. K., Kumar, M., & Arude, V. G. (2023). Optimization of process parameters for degossypolisation of de-oiled cottonseed cake by response surface methodology (RSM). Food and Humanity, Vol. 1, 210–218.
  •  Kale, S., Indore, N., Nath, P., Kannaujia, P., &Dukare, A. (2023). Low-cost inorganic phase change material improves the storage conditions of on-farm storage chamber. Journal of Food Process Engineering, e14395.
  •  Kannaujia, P., Dukare, A., Kale, S., Nath, P., and Singh R. K. (2023). Effect of mulch type on physico-chemical quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in semi-arid region of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 93 (6): 676–679. (NAAS- 6.37)
  •  Mahawar M.K., Bharimalla A.K., Arputharaj A., Palkar J., Dhakane-Lad J., Jalgaonkar.K., Vigneshwaran N. (2023). Response surface optimization of process parameters for preparation of cellulose nanocrystal stabilized nanosulphur suspension. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 20678 (NAAS: 11)
  • P. Gracy, K.M. Pachiyappan, T Murugan, T Senthilkumar, G Krishna Prasad, Senthil Kumar “Dynamic mechanical behavior of coir fiber composite using Taguchi’s parametric design approach”. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2023). (NAAS rating: 10.00)
  • Prakash, S., Kumar, M., Radha, Kumar, S., Jaconis, S., Parameswari, E., & Zhang, B. (2023). The resilient cotton plant: uncovering the effects of stresses on secondary metabolomics and its underlying molecular mechanisms. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 23(2), 183. (NAAS: 8.9)
  • Prashant Sampatrao Deshmukh, Vishnu Govind Arude, Manoj Kumar Mahawar, D.M. Kadam, Chandrika Ram (2023). Effect of in-situ moisture on absorption and desorption behaviour of seed cotton and it’s components. Cotton Research Journal, 13:10-14. 
  •  Rajavat, A.S., Srivastava, N., Choudhary, P., Pandiyan, K., Chakdar, H., Mageshwaran, V., Karthikeyan, N., Agnihortri, A. (2023). Valorization of agro-residues for production of ligninolytic enzymes from Pleurotus spp. and their deployment in dye decolorisation. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. ( (NAAS Rating – 10.00)
  • Senthilkumar, T., Selvakumar, A. & Senthilkumar, B. Fabrication and optimization of activated carbon using sisal fiber biomass through Box–Behnken experimental design. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2023):1-10. (NAAS rating: 10.00) 
  • Shanmugam, N., Prabhu, G. T. V., Jagajanantha, P. & Chaurasia, H. Developing AI model using auto machine learning platform for highest spinnable count prediction from cotton fibre properties. Journal of Cotton Research and Development 2023 Jan;37(1):134–141. doi:10.1201/9781003277316-7.  (NAAS Rating: 4.78)
  •  Sharma, K., Guleria, S., Salaria, K. H., Majeed, A., Sharma, N., Pawar, K. D., ... & Gupta, V. K. (2023). Photocatalytic and biological properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized using Callistemon lanceolatus leaf extract. Industrial Crops and Products, 202, 116951. (NAAS- 12.45) 
  •  Sheri, V., Kumar, M., Susan Jaconis, Zhang, B. 2023. Antioxidant defense in cotton under environmental stresses: Unraveling the crucial role of a universal defense regulator for enhanced cotton sustainability. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 108141. (NAAS: 12.5)
  •  Shilpa S. Bhambure, Addanki S. Rao & Thambiannan Senthilkumar (2023) Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Kenaf and Kapok Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Polyester Composite, Journal of Natural Fibers, 20:1, 2156964, DOI:10.1080/15440478.2022.2156964. (NAAS rating: 9.5)
  • Singh, S. K., Pathak, P. K., Gurjar, B and Kautkar, S. 2023. Design and development of a defluffing machine for dinanath grass seeds (Pennisetum pedicellatum). Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 54(1):42-48 (NAAS -6.29)
  • Subramaniam, S., Karunanandham, K., Raja, A. S. M., & Uthandi, S. (2023). Delignification of the cotton stalk and ginning mill waste via EnZolv pretreatment and optimization of process parameters using response surface methodology (RSM). Bioresource Technology, 129655. (NAAS: 17.89)
  •  Thappa, C., Guleria, S., and Sharma, K. Protein profile analysis by SDS-PAGE in different elicited edible sprouts. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2023, pp. 102-109.
  •  V. G. Arude, 2023. Significance of Scientific Processing of Cottonseed in Cotton Value Chain. Journal of Cotton Research and Development.  Vol.  37 (91): 115-126.
  •  Vellaichamy Mageshwaran., Varsha Satankar., Surinder Paul. (2023). Soild-state Fermentation for Gossypol Detoxification and Nutritive Enrichment of Cottonseed Cake: A Scale-Up of batch Fermentation Process. Bioresources, 19 (1), 1107-1118.


  • Bhushan B, Mahawar MK, Jalgaonkar K, Kumar S, Nishani S, Mahapatra A, Patil S. (2023). Engineering the Nano based Packaging Materials for the Postharvest Storage. In: Radhakrishnana F.K., Jose A, Pareek S (Eds.)In Postharvest Nanotechnology for Fresh Horticultural Produce.pp 1-20.
  • Kumar A, Shakyawar D. B., Jose S, Kadam V & Shanmugam N Nano finishing on woolens, Fundamentals of nano textile science 101-125 ( A p p l e A c a d e m i c P r e s s , 2 0 2 3 ). doi:10.1201/9781003277316-7.
  • Kumari, N., Dukare, A., Prakash, S., Sharma,N., Radha, Chandran, D., Dey, A., Lorenzo, J.M., Dhumal, S and Kumar, M. (2023). Green Extraction and Modification of Proteins from Traditional and Novel Sources, In: Reference M o d u le i n F o o d S c ie n c e, E l s e v i e r,
  • Asha, A.D. Nivetha, N., Lavanya, A.K., Vikram, K.V. Dukare, A.S., Bandeppa, Manjunatha, B.S. and Paul, S. (2023). Microbial Mitigation of Abiotic Stress in Crops. In: Singh, N., Chaopadhyay, A., Lichtfouse, E. (eds) Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, Vol 60. Springer, Cham. hps://
  •  Patil, A.K., Singh, N. Singha, P. S., Satankar, M., Kautkar, S., Singh, S. K. & Pathak P. K. (2023). Engineering Interventions for ClimateResilient Forage Production. In: Singhal, R.K., Ahmed, S., Pandey, S., Chand, S. (eds) Molecular Interventions for Developing ClimateSmart Crops: A Forage Perspective. Springer, Singapore . Pp 215 - 228 . hps://
  •  T. Senthilkumar, K. Hema Latha, G. Krishna Prasad, R. Sridevi, S. Srayaa, R. Sruthi, Arun Sowmya, S. Vinitha, G.T.V. Prabu and P. Jagajanantha, “Valorization of agricultural waste for activated carbons”, Valorization of wastes for sustainable development, pp. 395-412, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-323-95417-4.
  • Ammayappan, G. Krishna Prasad, T. Senthilkumar, G.T.V. Prabu, S. Basak and N.K. Jha “Introduction to wool fiber technology: a brief introduction and its processing technology”, In The Wool Handbook Morphology, Structure, Properties, Processing, and Applications
  • Malathi, V.M., Sharma, K., Jinu, J., Venkateswarlu, R., Deepa, M., Rohini, A. (2023). Phenolic phytochemicals from Sorghum, Millets and Pseudocereals and their role in Human Health. In Nutriomics of Millet crops. Taylor and Francis.

International Conferences/ Seminars

At the Second International Conference on -Integration of Advanced Technologies for Industry 4.0 (ICIATI 2023) organized by KCG College of Technology, Chennai, during 23-24th June 2023, following two papers were presented:

  • Dr. G. Krishna Prasad presented a paper on “Development of Cotton Nonwoven Based High Performance Secondary Wound Dressing Material" 
  •  Dr. T.Senthilkumar presented a paper on ‘sustainable approach: process protocol for spinning of recycled cotton/polyester blended yarn’, in “Second International Conference on -Integration of Advanced Technologies for Industry 4.0 (ICIATI 2023) organized by KCG College of Technology, Chennai, during 23-24th June 2023.
  •  Dr. A. Arputharaj participated and presented in virtual mode a research paper titled “Harnessing Antimicrobial and UV Protection Abilities of Nano Zinc Oxide for Designing Multifunction Silicone and Cationic Softener Formulation” at Atlas International Design Conference held on 01-02 September, 2023 and organized by ATLAS Skilltech University, Mumbai. 
  • Shri Himanshushekhar Chaurasia (Scientist presently pursuing Ph.D. studies at IASRI, New Delhi) presented a paper titled “Detection of Paddy panicle Stages using Deep Learning”, in the 6th International Rice Congress-2023 held at Manila, Philippines from 16-19 October, 2023 

        At the 9th Asian Cotton Research & Development Network (ACRDN) Meeting & International                                    Conference on “Innovation for Sustainable and Resilient Cotton Production and viable Value Chain” held on          December 06-08, 2023 at ICAR-CIRCOT, Mumbai, the following 20 papers were presented: 

  • Dr. V G Arude, on “Validation of Hand-held mechanical Cotton Picker for suitability and acceptability by smallholder Indian Cotton Farmers” 
  • Dr. G. Krishna Prasad, on “Development of Cotton-Based Multilayered Protective Clothing for Motorbike Riders” 
  • Dr. T. Senthilkumar, on “Spinning performance and yarn properties of Cotton/Indian hemp fibre blends”  
  • Dr. G. T. V. Prabu, on “Engineered Cotton Fabric Face Mask with High Filtration and Breathable Properties” 
  •  Dr. Jyothi Dhakane-Lad, on “Amelioration in mechanical and barrier properties of cotton fabric through bio-coatings” 
  • Dr. K. Pandiyan, on “Utilization of cotton micro-dust as substrate for production of cellulolytic enzymes by a thermophilic fungus, Aspergillus fumigatus CF-T”  
  • Dr. Varsha Satankar on “Performance Evaluation of Lint Cleaners used in Indian Ginneries” 
  • A S M Raja, G Krishnaprasad, T Senthilkumar, G T V Prabu, C Sundaramoorthy, 2023, on “Cotton-based reusable face mask with breathability, antimicrobial and repellent properties”
  •  P. Jagajanantha, G. Krishna Prasad, s. Patil, K. Jalgaonkar, T. Senthilkumar, J dhakane- lad, S. kautkar and ASM Raja presented “Heat Generating Smart Textile products using cotton/Carbon conductive yarn”
  • S Patil, H. K. Pradeep, Saxena S, Bharimalla A, Bolakatti G, Chandragirivar P, 2023 “Functionalized nanocellulose fibres from cotton linters and its application in hydrogels,” 
  •  Sheshrao Kautkar, S. K. Shukla, V. G. Arude and S. V. Ghadge, 2023, “Optimization of Groove Profile of Chrome Leather Roller for Improving Ginning Outturn of Double Roller Gin” 
  •  K Jalgaonkar, P Jagjanantha, S. Patil, J Dhakane-Lad, 2023, “Activated charcoal embedded multi-layer fabric for indoor air decontamination” 
  • Dr. Sujata Saxena, on Bio- materials for eco-friendly chemical processing of cotton textiles and also co-chaired a concurrent session on Ginning, Spinning, Fibre Processing and Textile Technology.
  •  Dr. A. Arputharaj on “Enhancing Traceability in the Cotton value chain: Current Challenges and Future Imperatives”.
  •  Dr. N. Vigneshwaran on “Application of nanotechnology in cotton textiles – Enhancing the performance of future fabrics”.
  •  Dr. Manoj Kumar on “Harnessing Cottonseed's Potential: A Sustainable Approach to Utilize Protein in Combating Malnutrition – A Step Towards the Circular Economy”
  •  Dr. Ajinath Dukare on “Cost-effective production of thermoalkali tolerant bacterial xylanase using cottonseed hull as substrate and its application for bio-bleaching of lignocellulosic based paper pulp”.
  • Dr. Kanika Sharma on “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cottonseed extract and antibacterial evaluation”.
  • Mahawar MK, Bharimalla AK, Arputharaj A, Palkar J, Dhakane-Lad J, Jalgaonkar K, Vigneshwaran N (2023). “Process optimization of cellulose nanocrystal stabilized nanosulphur synthesis using response surface methodology”  
  •  Deshmukh PS, Mahawar MK, Arude VG, Ram C (2023). “Absorption-desorption behaviour (in-situ) of seed cotton, seed and lint and its importance in ginning percent” 
  •  Dr. G. Krishna Prasad, presented a Paper on “Development and Characterization of Cut-Resistance Gloves using Cotton: Recycled Aramid Fibre Blended Yarns” in 7th International Conference on Technical Textiles and Nonwovens, held from on December 12-14, at IIT Delhi.

 At the 57th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) on “Agri-Food systems' Transformation through Engineering Innovations” and International Symposium on “Engineering Interventions for Making Millets a Global Food” held during 06-08 November 2023 at CAE, UAS, Raichur, Karnataka, the following 4 papers were presented: 

  • Sheshrao Kautkar, S. K. Shukla and V. G. Arude- “Effect of Continuous Ginning on the Diameter and Performance Chrome Leather Rollers in Ginning Industries”. 
  • Dattatreya M. Kadam, Sayali S Parab, Kshama Katkar, Akansha Kasara presented an Oral Paper– “Development and Shelf Life Studies of Microwave Treated Cottonseed Protein Isolate Infused Bar”. 
  •  Deshmukh PS, Arude VG, Mahawar MK, Kadam DM, Ram C – “Seed cotton response to humidity vis-a-vis moisture content and its importance in prospective development of instrument for ginning percent measurement”.
  •  Varsha Satankar, Mohan Singh, S. K. Shukla, K. Pandiyan, Manoj Kumar, Durwesh Jhodkar, S. Kautkar (2023). Cotton-seed Processing for Production of Protein-rich Cottonseed Flour for Feed and Food Applications”. In 57th Annual Convention of ISAE on ‘Agri-Food System’ Transformation through Engineering Innovations and International Symposium on “Engineering Interventions for Making Millets as Global Foods held during 06-08 November, 2023, at CAE, UAS, Raichur
          National Conferences/ Seminars 
  • Presented a paper on “Sustainable Crop Residue Management Solutions (Farmers) by Dr. Sujata Saxena, Principal Scientist & Head I/c CBPD & Dr. A. Arputhraj, Senior Scientist in Regional Level Workshop on ‘Use of Biomass in Thermal Plants under National Mission Samarth’ organized by MAHAGENCO at Pune on 28th March 2023. 
  • A.S.M. Raja, Principal Scientist presented “Research achievement of Cotton Quality research” during AICRP on Cotton Annual Group Meeting held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 6-7th April 2023.

 At the 4th SEA-AICOSCA Cottonseed, Oil & Meal Conclave 2023 at The Fern Residency, CIDCO, Aurangabad during 7-8 July, 2023, following papers were presented:

  • Dr. Manoj Kumar presented his research work on extracting ultra-low gossypol protein from cottonseed, at the conclave, titled, "Protein Reinvention: Revolutionizing the Cottonseed Protein Industry with Ultra Low Gossypol Protein".  
  • Dr. D.M. Kadam presented his research work titled, "Design and development of a pilot plant for the extraction of protein from de-oiled cotton cake and its value addition." 
  •  Dr. Sheshrao Kautkar participated and presented a paper titled “Silage from Green Cotton Biomass: An Alternative Source of Animal Feed” in 35th National Convention of Agricultural Engineers & National Seminar on Emerging Technologies for Advances in Agriculture & Horticulture” held on 12-13 September, 2023 at College of Agricultural Engineering, JNKVV., Jabalpur (MP).
  •  Dr. P. Jagajanantha gave a presentation as a resource person on the topic ‘Smart Textile & 3D Printing” in a National Seminar on “Smart Textile & 3D Printing and Apparel Industrial Exporting” organised by “Fashion Club” Department of Textile and Fashion Designing at Sri Kailash Women’s College, Salem, TN on 12 September, 2023. 
  •  Dr. S. K. Shukla, Director gave a presentation “CIRCOT Technologies for adoption in Industries”, at the industry interface meeting on the theme ‘Weaving the Future-Natural Fibres Processing Symposium’ at CIPHET, Ludhiana on 04 October, 2023, during the event CIPHET-IIFA 2023, at Ludhiana from 03-05 October, 2023. 

  • A newspaper article by Dr. S. K. Shukla, Director, ICAR-CIRCOT on “ग्लोबल वार्मिंगवर मात करण्यासाठी सेंद्रीय शेती महत्वाची” (Importance of Natural farming for to fight global warming) in Marathi newspaper Punyanagari on 6th February 2023. 
  • News article on MoU signing ceremony with Dr. Indra Mani, Honorable Vice Chancellor, VNMKV Parbhani on 16th February 2023 was published in Lokmat, Marathwada and other leading Marathi newspapers. 
  • A newspaper article on “Workshop on Synergy of Innovation and Incubation in Agri start-up Ecosystem” organized on 13th March 2023 conducted at ICAR-NRC for Grapes, Pune was published in pudhari newspaper (Pune edition) on 14th March 2023 wherein ICAR-CIRCOT promoted RKVY-RAFTAAR Schemes to its stakeholders.
  • ICAR-CIRCOT technology on “Preparation of value-added products using banana leaf and pseudostem” was published in Tarun Bharat (Marathi newspaper) on 3rd July,2023.
  • Report titled, “Advancing Cottonseed Industry: ICAR-CIRCOT’s Significant Presence at 4th SEA-AICOSCA Conclave 2023, was reported in Free Press Journal, Mumbai edition dated 13th July 2023.
  • A report on the technology of “Heat generating smart cotton textiles” developed at ICAR-CIRCOT was reported in Free Press Journal, Mumbai edition on 18th July 2023.
  • “ICAR-CIRCOT holds Skill Development Programme” was published in Hitvada Newspaper (in English) in the Nagpur edition dated 12th August, 2023.
  • “Kapas Kheti par Koushal Vikas Karyakam Mein Kisaano Ke Samasyaaon Ka Hua Samadhaan” was reported in the Dainik Bhaskar Newspaper (in Hindi), in the Nagpur edition dated 12th August, 2023. 
  • Article on “77th Independence Day celebration held at ICAR-CIRCOT Mumbai” Headquarters was published in Free Press Journal, Mumbai edition dated 16th August, 2023.   
  • “Kendriya Kaapus Tantragyan Sanshoodhan Sansthechi Antarrashtriya Kapus Baithak December Madhe” (A brief about the upcoming 9th ACRDN meeting and International Conference to be organized by the institute, ICAC and ISCI during 06-08, December 2023) was reported in the Tarun Bharat Mumbai Edition [in Marathi] on 28 August, 2023.
  • Article “Heat generating cotton fabric hogs the spotlight on Day 2” was reported by the Hindustan Times, Ludhiana on 5th October 2023.
  • Another article on same technology titled (in Hindi), ‘Kadake Ki Thand Mein Kapas Aadharit Vastra Denge Garmahat’, was reported in the Dainik Jaagran, Ludhiana edition.
  • An article about the same technology was reported in the Punjabi language of Punjabi Jaagran newspaper, Ludhiana edition on 06 October, 2023
  • “Mumbai-it saajare honaar kendriya kapus tantragyan sanshodhan sanstheche Shatabdi varshKendriya Kaapus Tantragyan Sanshoodhan Sansthechi Antarrashtriya Kapus Baithak December Madhe” (A brief about the centenary year of ICAR-CIRCOT and the upcoming 9th ACRDN meeting and International Conference to be organized by the institute, ICAC and ISCI during 06-08, December 2023) was reported online at [in Marathi] on 22 November, 2023.
  • “Mumbai-it 3 divsiiy kapus parishad” (A brief about the upcoming 9th ACRDN meeting and International Conference to be organized by the institute, ICAC and ISCI during 06-08, December 2023) was reported in the Tarun Bharat Mumbai Edition [in Marathi] on 27 November, 2023.
  • ‘Kendriya kapus tantragyan shashodhan sansthechi shatabdi--Mumbaitil parishadeth jagbharatil namvant kapus shanshodhak bahumulya margadarshan karnaar’ (A brief about ICAR-CIRCOT centenary year and the upcoming 9th ACRDN meeting and International Conference to be organized by the Institute, ICAC and ISCI during 06-08, December 2023) was reported in the Vrittamanas Newspaper, Mumbai Edition [in Marathi] on 28 November, 2023.
  • An article (in Marathi) titled, “Kendriya Kapus Shanshodhan Sansthecha Shatabdi Varshanimmitte 9th Aashiyayi Cotton Research & Development Network Parishad Mumbai it –Karyakramasaathi Uprashtrapati Mananniya Jagdeep Dhankad Pramukh Pahune”, was published in Solapur 24 Tass News (online in Marathi) on November 28, 2023 
  • Article titled, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology Organises 9th Asian Cotton Research & Development Network, International Conference, was published in Mumbai News Express on December 08, 2023. 
  • Article (in Marathi) “Kendriya Kapus Tantragyan Shanshodhan Sansthan, Mumbai chya Shatabdi Varshanimmitte Aashiyayi Kapus Parishad”, was published in Marathi Newspaper ‘Vrittamanas’- Mumbai/Palghar Edition on December 13, 2023. 
  • An article on National Farmers’ Day celebration by Ginning Training Centre (GTC) of CIRCOT and CITI-CRDA on December 23, 2023 was published in Marathi newspaper “Dainik Toofan” on December 24,2023 (Nagpur edition). 

  •  Dukare, A., Sharma, K., Kautkar, S., Dhakane-Lad, J., Yadav, R., Nadanathangam, V. & Saxena, S. (2023). Microbial xylanase aided bio-bleaching effect on multiple components of lignocelluloses biomass based pulp and paper: a review. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal. (NAAS – 7.95)
  •  Gupta, A., Kumar, M., Zhang, B., Tomar, M., Walia, A. K., Choyal, P., ... & Tran, L. S. P. (2023). Improvement of qualitative and quantitative traits in cotton under normal and stressed environments using genomics and biotechnological tools: A review. Plant Science, 111937. (NAAS: 11.2)
  •  Kumar, M., Barbhai, M. D., Puranik, S., Natta, S., Senapathy, M., Dhumal, S., & Lorenzo, J. M. (2023). Combination of green extraction techniques and smart solvents for bioactives recovery. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 117286. (NAAS: 19.1)

  •  Kumar, M., Hasan, M., Sharma, A., Suhag, R., Maheshwari, C., Chandran, D., Sharma, K., Dhumal, S., Senapathy, M., Natarajan, K. and Punniyamoorthy, S., 2023. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. & Thomson polysaccharides: A review on extraction, characterization, and bioactivities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 229, 463-475 (NAAS – 14.03).
  •  Kumari, N., Kumar, M., Rais, N., Puri, S., Sharma, K., Natta, S., & Kennedy, J. F. (2023). Exploring apple pectic polysaccharides: Extraction, characterization, and biological activities-A comprehensive review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 128011.
  •  Soni, S., Babel, R., Srivastava, M., Saxena, S., Arputharaj, A. (2023). Review on Recent Developments in Fabric Softeners: Focus on Improvement in Functionalities and Sustainability, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 18 (2), 399-406 (NAAS- 5.67).

  1. A Century of ICAR-CIRCOT Research
  2. ICAR-CIRCOT Promising Technologies & Consultancies
  3. ICAR-CIRCOT Annual Report 2022
  4. Cotton Technology Report 2022-23
  5. Annual Report of CRP on Natural Fibres
  • Books edited: 

  1.  N.Vigneshwaran, A.K.Bharimalla, A. Arputharaj, G.T.V.Prabu and T. Senthilkumar, Edited book titled “Handbook on Nanotechnology and its Applications” (ISBN978-935777-411-6)

  2.  A.K.Bharimalla, A. Arputharaj, T. Senthilkumar, P.Jagajanantha and Manojkumar Mahawar Edited book titled on “Advanced Characterization of Cotton Quality and its Spinning and Dyeing Performance”, Published by ICAR-CIRCOT, Mumbai (ISBN 978-93-5890-805-3)

  3.  Souvenir of 9th ACRDN Meeting and International Conference

  4.  Book of Abstracts 9th ACRDN Meeting and International Conference

  1. Training manual on Electrospinning for nanofibre production, Published by ICAR-CIRCOT
  2. Training manual on Composite materials, Published by ICAR-CIRCOT 
  3. SMART Resource Manual on “Marketing, Processing & Value Addition to Cotton & it’s By-produce” (English)
  4. SMART Resource Manual on “Marketing, Processing & Value Addition to Cotton & it’s By-produce” (Marathi)

  1. ‘Amber 2022’ 
  2. ‘ICAR-CIRCOT Revised Test Fee Schedule 2023’ 
  3. कपास प्रौद्योगिकी शब्दावली (Glossary on Cotton Technology) English to Hindi

  1. “Nanofibre Cartridge for Filtration Applications”, compiled by GTV Prabu, ASMm Raja, N. vigneshwaran, G. Krishna Prasad, T. Senthilkumar and N. Shanmugam 
  2. “Engineered Cotton Fabric Face mask” compiled by GTV Prabu, ASM Raja, N. vigneshwaran, G. Krishna Prasad, T. Senthilkumar and N. Shanmugam
  3.  “High Performance Cotton-Based Wound Dressing Material” compiled by G. Krishna Prasad, N. vigneshwaran, ASM Raja and N. Shanmugam 
  4. “Heat Generating Smart Textile Products” compiled by P. Jagajanantha, A S M Raja, G. Krishna Prasad, S. Patil, K. Jalgaonkar
  5. Augmented process for production bio-enriched compost from Cotton micro-dust” compiled by K. Pandiyan , Sheshrao Kautkar, A. K. Bharimalla and N. Shanmugam. 
  6. मार्केत यार्ड और जिनिंग फॅक्ट्री में सर्वोत्तम प्रबंधन प्रथाएं “ व्ही. जी आरुडेएस. एस. काउतकर वर्षा सातनकरएस. के. शुक्ला 
  7. स्वच्छ कपास चुनने की सर्वोत्तम कृषि पद्धतियां व्ही. जी आरुडेएस. एस. काउतकर वर्षा सातनकरएस. के. शुक्ला 
  8. कपास के परिवहन और भंडारण पर सर्वोत्तम कृषि पद्धतियां” व्ही. जी आरुडेएस. एस. काउतकर वर्षा सातनकरएस. के. शुक्ला 
  9. कपास फसल अवशेष प्रबंधन पर सर्वोत्तम कृषि पद्धतियां” व्ही. जी आरुडेएस. एस. काउतकर वर्षा सातनकरएस. के. शुक्ला 
  10. “Deep-Grooved Chrome Leather Rollers for Double Roller Gin” compiled by Sheshrao Kautkar, S K Shukla, V G Arude and D U Patil
  11. “Recommendations on Groove Profile Of Chrome Leather Rollers For Efficient Ginning In Indian Ginneries” compiled by Sheshrao Kautkar, S K Shukla, V G Arude and D U Patil
  12. “Best Farm Practices on Clean Cotton Picking” compiled by  Dr. V. G. Arude and Dr. S. K. Shukla (in English & Translated in Tamil)
  13. “Best Farm Practices on Transportation and Storage of Cotton” compiled by  Dr. V. G. Arude and Dr. S. K. Shukla (in English & Translated in Tamil)
  14. “Best Management Practices at Market Yard and Ginning Factory” compiled by  Dr. V. G. Arude and Dr. S. K. Shukla (in English & Translated in Tamil)
  15. “Best Farm Practices for Cotton Crop Residue Management” compiled by  Dr. V. G. Arude and Dr. S. K. Shukla (in English & Translated in Tamil)
  16. “Market Yard Aur Ginning Factory Mein Sarvottam Prabandhan Prathayen” complied by Dr. V. G. Arude, Dr. S. S. Kautkar, Dr. Varsha Satankar and Dr. S. K. Shukla
  17. “Swachh Kapaas Chunane Ki Sarvottam Krishi Padhatiyaan” complied by Dr. V. G. Arude, Dr. S. S. Kautkar, Dr. Varsha Satankar and Dr. S. K. Shukla
  18. “Kapaas Ke Parivahan Aur Bhandarann Par Sarvottam Krishi Padhatiyaan” complied by Dr. V. G. Arude, Dr. S. S. Kautkar, Dr. Varsha Satankar and Dr. S. K. Shukla
  19. “Kapaas Fasal Avashesh Prabandhan Ke Liye Sarvottam Krishi Padhatiyaan” complied by Dr. V. G. Arude, Dr. S. S. Kautkar, Dr. Varsha Satankar and Dr. S. K. Shukla

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  •  UDAAN- Six monthly Newsletter of CIRCOT-R-ABI (2 issues
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