The Regional Quality Evaluation Unit of ICAR-CIRCOT, Dharwad is situated in the campus of Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad Farm (locally known as Hebballi Farm) of University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad. The unit is situated about 4 Km from Dharwad City on the Dharwad-Navalgund Road.
The Unit was established in 1928 at Dharwad Farm as Technological Laboratory, Dharwad under the ICCC, after the establishment of the main laboratory in Mumbai in the year 1924. The Unit was shifted to a rented building in Dharwad city for some time and later to the Agricultural College campus. In 1986, the Unit was shifted back to Dharwad Farm, where it is currently situated.
The Unit has contributed to the development of almost all of the cotton varieties/ hybrids released from the state of Karnataka as part of AICCIP and has been closely associating with the breeders and other scientists of the UAS, Dharwad. This Unit has been part of development of varieties like DCH-32, Sahana, Abadhita, DHH-11, DHB-105.
Even though main role of the Unit has always been to help research scientists in cotton breeding programs by way of providing input on cotton quality, the Unit has recently extended the laboratory facilities to traders and farmers in the region under paid category.The unit is equipped with one HVI (Statex Fibrotex) and conventional cotton testing instruments like Baer Sorter, Digital Fibrograph Model 530, Micronaire and Stelometer.
For any enquiry please contact:
Smt. Vijayalaxmi G. Udikeri
Senior Technical Assistant
Mob: +91-8123802839
Regional Q.E. Unit of CIRCOT, Agricultural Research Station,
Dharwad farm (BPO), Dharwad, Karnataka – 580 007.
Tele fax- +91-836-2446336
Email: circotdr[at]bsnl[dot]in; circotdwr[at]gmail[dot]com