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Publications for the year 2013-2014

  • Arude, V.G., Manojkumar, T.S and Shukla S.K – Development and performance Evaluation of an Axial Flow Pre-cleaners for on-farm cleaning of Cotton, Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 71-80, 2013
  • Arude V. G., Obi Reddy G. P., Chattopadhyay S. K. – Development of GIS and GPS based spatial cotton fibre quality maps for Nagpur district of Maharashtra, Journal of Cotton Research and Development, Vol. 28. No.2, pp. 40-44, 2014
  • Arude V. G., Manojkuamr T. S. and Chattopadhyay, S. K.-Development and Performance of Self-grooving Rubber Roller for use in Roller Ginning Machines International Proceedings of Chemical Biochemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering. Vol. 64, pp.76-81, 2014
  • Ambare, M. G., Nagarkar, R. D., Nachane, R. P. and Gurjar, R. M. – Changes in Properties of Paper on Exposure to Sunlight, Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association, Vol. 25 (2), pp. 105-108, April- June- 2013.
  • Banerjee, D., Chattopadhyay S. K., K. Chatterjee, S. Tuli, N. Jain, I. Goyal, S. Mukhopadhayay – Non-destructive Testing of Jute-polypropylene Composite using Frequency-Modulated Thermal Wave Imaging, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, May 2013, online publication.
  • Banerjee D., Chattopadhyay S. K. and TuliSuneet – Infrared Thermography in Material Research – A Review of Textile Applications, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research Vol. 38, December 2013, pp. 427-437.
  • Chattopadhyay, S. N., Pan, N. C., Roy, A. K., Saxena, S. and Khan, A. – Development of Natural Dyed Jute Fabric with Improved Colour Yield and UV Protection Characteristics, Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol. 104 (8), pp. 808-818, 2013.
  • Guruprasad R., Chattopadhyay S. K., – Indian Cotton and the Needs of Spinning Industry, Cotton Research Journal Vol. 5 (2) pp. 215-221, 2013.
  • Lallan Ram, Dinesh Kumar, Vigneshwaran, N. and Archana Khewle – Effects of ZnO Nano Particle Containing Packaging on Shelf Life of Fresh Nagpur Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) Segments, Journal of Biological and Chemical Research, Vol. 30(2), pp. 381-386,2013.
  • Mageshwaran, V. and Kathe A.A – Detoxification of Gossypol in Cottonseed meal by Native Fungal Isolates under Solid State Fermentation, Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 81-89, 2013.
  • Mageshwaran, V., Kathe, A.A, Ashtaputre N.M, Hasan, Hamid, Nagarkar, R.D, Pokiya, S.V, Kambli, N.D and Balasubramanya, R.H – Accelerated Process for the Preparation of Bioenriched Compost from Cotton Plant Stalks, Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 104-113, 2013.
  • Nair, A. U., Sheela, R., Vivekanandan M. V., Patwardhan B. A. and Nachane R. P. – Studies on Friction in Cotton Textiles: Part I – A Study on the Relationship between Physical Properties and Frictional Characteristics of Cotton Fibres and Yarns, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research Vol. 38, Sept. 2013, pp. 244-250.
  • Nath, J.M, Patil P.G, Shukla S.K.-Gin Management Programme for Simulation of Cotton Ginning Cost : A Review, Cotton Research Journal,Vol.4(1) pp. 1-16, 2013.
  • Nath J.M, Patil P.G and Shukla S.K – Instrumentation for Cotton Grading and Fibre Quality Evaluation – A Review, Cotton Research Journal, Vol.4 (1), pp. 17-33, 2013.
  • Patil P.G, Redij, T.L, Sundaramoorthy C. and Deshmukh, P.S – Economic Analysis of the Cotton Sector in the West and Central African Countries, Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 57-70, 2013.
  • Patil, P. G., Gurjar, R.M. and Jadhav, P. D. – Present Status and Market Potential for Cotton Stalk Composite Boards in India, Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 4 (1 ), pp. 90-103, 2013.

  • Basak, S., Saxena, S., Arputharaj, A., Samanta, K. K., Mahangade, R. R. and Narkar, R. S. – Textiles for Health and Well Being, Textile Trends-June, Vol. 56 (3), pp. 25-29, 2013.
  • Guruprasad, R and Chattopadhyay, S.K – Angora Rabbit Hair Fibres: Production, Properties and Product Development, Textile Review, Texcellence ’13 Conference Special Issue, May, 2013.
  • Shanmugam, N., Manisha Kurhade and Vivekanandan, M.V. – Banana Pseudostem Staple Fibre Spinning, Asian Textile Journal, Vol., pp. 38-42, August 2013
  • Shanmugam, N., Kurhade, M and Vivekanandan, M. V. -Spinning Mechanisms for Banana Pseudo-stem Staple Fibre Spinning, Asian Textile Journal, Vol. 22 (8) pp. 38-41, 2013.

  • Asim Shaikh, Kathe, A.A. and Mageshwaran, V. – Reduction of Gossypol and Increase in Crude Protein Level of Cottonseed Cake using Mixed Culture Fermentation, Oral presentation at the 5th International Conference on Fermentation Technology for Value Added Agricultural Products held during August 21 – 23, 2013 at KhonKaen, Thailand.
  • Chitranayak- Quality Evaluation and Spinning Potential of AICCIP Cotton Breeding Trials, presented at the Annual AICCIP Workshop held during April 8-10, 2013 at Udaipur.
  • Chattopadhyay S. K., Guruprasad R., Mrs. Venugopal B. – Futuristic Textiles Using Newer Blends of Cotton in the Proceedings of the Indian Cotton Conference 2013 organised by the Northern India Cotton Association Ltd., Bhatinda, Punjab on November 30, 2013.
  • Dey, S.K. and Chattopadhyay, S.K. – Ramie a Natural Miracle Fibre for Woven and Knitted Textiles, Oral presentation at the International Conference organized by AATCC in Collaboration with TecniTex Nonwovens, Pvt. Ltd. on September 2, 2013 at Bengaluru.  
  • Joshi, K. R. –   AajkeBadalteParivesh Mein Rajbhasha Hindi presented at the 74th SangoshtiEvam Hindi Kaaryashala held during April 24 – 26, 2013 at Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
  • Kartick K. Samanta- Surface Modification of Textile Using Plasma to Improve Adhesion Strength of Composite Material presented at the International Conference on Reinforced Plastics (ICERP-2013) held during April 4-6, 2013 at Mumbai.
  • Mageshwaran, V. – Biodegradation of Gossypol in Mineral Medium by Fungal Cultures presented at the Conference on Biotechnology Bioinformatics and Bioengineering held on June, 28-29, 2013 at Tirupati, Andhara Pradesh.
  • Mageshwaran, V., Kathe, A.A., Shaikh , A &D’souza Charlene – Fermentation on Different Substrate to Improve Nutritional Value as Non-Ruminant Feed Supplement at the 54th Annual Conference held during November 17-20, 2013 at Haryana.
  • Patil, P.G. – Cotton contamination: Indian scenario, presented at National seminar on Advances in Cotton Ginning and Fibre testing Technology organised by IFS and CIRCOT on February 1, 2014 at CIRCOT.
  • Patil, P.G – Ginning and Post Harvest Technology presented at the Industry Interaction on exploring opportunities for enhancing business partnership in cotton and Textile sector in Africa, Organised by IL & FS held on March 7, 2014 at New Delhi.
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