II.05 - Development of bio nano composite films using extrusion process
PI of the Project:
Dr. Sharmila Patil
Co-PIs/Project Associate:
Dr. A. K. Bharimalla, Principal Scientist
Dr. Kirti Jalgaonkar, Senior Scientist
Dr. Manoj Mahawar, Senior Scientist
Dr. Jyoti Dhakane-Lad, Scientist
Dr. A. S. M. Raja, Principal Scientist
Dr. Sujata Saxena, Principal Scientist
CIPET: SARP-LARPM, Bhubaneswar
Dr. Smita Mohanty, Director and Principal Scientist
Dr. Manoranjan Biswal, Sr. Technical Officer
Shri. Himalaya Vardikar, Jr. Scientist
Core Area: II
II.08 - Development of natural rubber composite reinforced with engineered fibre and nanocarbon as pond liner material for water conservation
PI of the Project:
Dr. T. Senthil Kumar
Co-PIs/Project Associate:
Dr. Sheshrao Kautkar, Scientist
Dr. N. Vigneshwaran, Principal Scientist
Dr. A. K. Bharimalla, Principal Scientist
Dr. Jyoti Dhakane-Lad, Scientist
Core Area: II
II.09 - Development of nano fibre bio-composite from fish waste resource for circular economy
PI of the Project:
Dr. G.T.V. Prabu
Co-PIs/Project Associate:
PI : Poonam Jayant Singh, Senior Scientist, NBFGR (Interinstitutional project)
Dr. Senthil Kumar – Senior Scientist
Core Area: II
II-06 - Efficacy evaluation of ICAR-CIRCOT nano-sulphur as fertilizer formulation for different field crops.
PI of the Project:
Dr. Manoj Mahawar
Co-PIs/Project Associate:
Dr. A. K. Bharimalla, Principal Scientist
Dr. N. Vigneshwaran, Principal Scientist
Dr. A. Arputharaj, Senior Scientist
Dr. Jyoti Dhakane-Lad, Scientist
Dr. ASM Raja, Principal Scientist
Dr. Sujata Saxena, Principal Scientist
Core Area: III
II.10 - Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) for efficient production of hydrogen gas from cotton biomass
PI of the Project:
Dr. N. Vigneshwaran
Co-PIs/Project Associate:
Dr. A.K. Bharimalla, Principal Scientist
Dr. A. Arputharaj, Senior Scientist
Dr. K. Pandiyan, Senior Scientist
Dr. P. Jagajanantha, Senior Scientist
Dr. Ajinath Dukare, Scientist
Dr. Kanika Sharma, Scientist
Project Associates:
Dr. Charlene D’Souza
Mr. Rajesh P Kadam
Collaborating Institute:
ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms, Mau, UP.
CCPI: Dr. V. Mageshwaran, Senior Scientist (Agricultural Microbiology)
Co-CCPI: Dr. Jyoti Prakash Singh, Scientist (Plant Biochemistry)
Core Area: III
II.11 - Development of antimicrobial cotton textile for post-harvest packaging and handling of flowers
PI of the Project:
Dr. Ajinath Dukare
Co-PIs/Project Associate:
Dr. Vigneshwaran, N. Principal Scientist
Dr. Arputhraj A. Senior Scientist
Dr. Kanika Sharma, Scientist
Dr. Jyoti Dhakane, Scientist
Dr. Tarak Nath Saha, SS (Floriculture)
Dr. Rahul Yadav, Scientist (ASPE)
Dr. Shivakumar, Scientist (Pathology)
Core Area: III