Ginning Training Centre (GTC) was set up in 1985 as a Regional Unit at Nagpur by ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (CIRCOT), Mumbai under the Integrated Cotton Development Project (ICDP) by utilizing the World Bank assistance to cater the needs of ginning industry by cutting edge researches, skill development & enhancement of manpower, liasoning with machinery manufacturers for modification and development of essential and allied machinery. Within few years of its establishment, GTC has diversified its activities by venturing into processing and value addition of cotton by-products. GTC is unique of its kind and first in Asia and among 3-4 centres in the entire world that imparts training and carry out research exclusively on Ginning and Value Addition to Cotton By-Products. This centre has done yeomen service to the ginning industry by developing several essential technologies and processes for Indian ginning industry and skill development and enhancement of over 10,000 engineers, technicians, supervisors, fitters, etc. of ginning units dispersed across different states of India and also for African countries. GTC has also played vital role in modernisation and upgradation of Indian ginning industry under Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC). This centre offers technical consultancy services to gin machinery manufacturers for development of latest technologies and upgradation of existing technologies.
Dr. Shashikant Vilas Ghadge
Principal Scientist (Farm Machinery & Power)
Dr. (Smt.) Jyoti Mintu Nath
Sr. Scientist (Electronics & Instrumentation) (Nagpur)
Dr. K. Pandiyan
Senior Scientist (Agricultural Microbiology)
Dr. Varsha Satankar
Scientist (Agriculture Structure and Process Engineering)
Technical Staff
Er. D. U. Patil
Cheif Technical Officer
Mr.U. D. Devikar
Assistant Chief Technical Officer
Mr. S. N. Hedau
Assistant Chief Technical Officer
Shri. Anil Kumar D. Kulsunge
Technical Officer
Administrative Staff
Shri R. G. Matel
Lower Division Clerk
Shri R. D. Shambharkar
Personal Assistant
Skilled Support Staff
Shri R. S. Umare
Skilled Support Staff
Smt. M. M. Bhandakkar
Skilled Support Staff
GTC is housed in a spiraling lush green campus of 30,000 square metre land situated at Amravati Road, a national highway connecting Nagpur and Mumbai. Nagpur popularly known as orange city is located in central part of India and has very good connectivity with New Delhi (Capital of India) and Mumbai by air, road and rail. The distance of GTC from Railway Station, Nagpur and Baba Saheb Ambedkar International Airport, Nagpur is 7 and 15km, respectively. The GTC is equipped with the latest ginning machines and allied infrastructural facilities i.e. latest double roller (DR) gins, fully automatic material handling systems, different types of cleaning machines, a most modern baling press, etc. Apart from an indigenous saw ginning system, GTC also possesses a Rotary Knife ginning plant and a modern fibre testing laboratory. In addition to cotton processing facilities, GTC is also equipped with a scientific cottonseed processing plant and a particle board preparation plant from cotton stalks. GTC also has demonstration units of cotton stalks composting, oyster mushroom cultivation and cotton stalk pelleting.
Modern Double Roller Ginning Plant
Modern Saw Ginning Plant
Modern Rotobar Ginning Plant
Lab Model Gin for Cotton Quality Testing
Modern Fibre Testing Laboratory
Scientific Cottonseed Processing Plant
Besides, organising national and international skill development and enhancement programmes, GTC pioneered in designing and development of several essential machines required for processing of cotton. Most prominent among them are cylinder type pre-cleaner amenable for cleaning of Indian hand-picked seed cotton, different variants of laboratory model single roller gins for ginning of small sample of cottons required for analysis of fibre parameters. More than 500 pieces each of the lab model gins and the cylinder type pre-cleaners have been sold to various end users including Africa and different part of Asia by CIRCOT licensed manufacturers.
GTC has distinction of obtaining and implementing a single country project funded by CFC, Netherlands under the supervision of ICAC, Washington DC, USA for preparation of particle boards from cotton stalks. GTC also developed technology for briquetting and pelleting of agro-residues as alternative fuels, composting and oyster mushroom cultivation to bring additional income to farmers, green crematorium using cotton stalks briquettes, degossypolization of cottonseed meal etc. for establishment of rural entrepreneurship.
GTC also organizes FLDs on clean cotton pickings, hosts ginners’ meet for modernisation and improvement of management practices of Indian ginneries and organised various awareness and demonstration programmes for utilisation of cotton stalks for different end uses. Besides, the centre has been providing continuous technological support to the country’s cotton breeding programmes carried out under the All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project (AICCIP) and breeding support to cotton breeders and scientists. GTC conducts regularly Technology and Machinery Demonstration Mela to create a linkage between, scientists, farmers and machinery manufacturers. The technology developed under this centre is demonstrated to the farmers by and exhibition. GTC actively takes part in Hon’ble Prime Minister scheme of Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (MGMG) in which the scientists regularly visits the identified villages and interacts with farmers and provide solution to the farm related problems.
Technical consultancy services and support offered by GTC to ginning and pressing factories for modernisation and liaisoning machinery manufacturers for design improvement have led to significant improvement in quality of lint produced from Indian ginning and pressing industry, which in turn resulted into revolution of Indian ginning industry and preference of roller ginned Indian cotton in the world market.
GTC supports the government’s job creation and entrepreneurship strategies and programmes to ensure that young people, women and other marginalized groups become entrepreneur and employed in ginning industry. GTC has about 34 years’ experience in skill development and skill enhancement of manpower engaged in ginning industry. This centre has technical knowhow and infrastructure for skilling on all four ginning technologies viz. Double Roller (DR), Single Roller (SR), Rotobar and Saw Gins used worldwide. Tailored made skilling courses based on stakeholders’ requirements are also being offered by GTC. In addition, GTC also offers cotton quality assessment and evaluation courses for budding graders for ginning industry. Highly educated and well-trained Scientists and Technical Officers are involved in delivering lectures and conducting practical. The curriculum has been enriched by expert lecturers and study tours to gin machinery manufacturers, modern cotton ginnery and spinning mills and cottonseed producers.
Course Content
Stapling of cotton for measurement of its length, details of various components of the DR ginning machine, gin settings for different fibre length for high productivity, less trash content and optimum maintenance, beater settings, trouble shootings, maintenance of DR gins, proper grooving & maintenance of rollers for better quality parameters, change in gin setting in accordance with moisture content, settings related to pre cleaner and super cleaner, maintenance and regulation of air pressure at different point of ginning and detection of air leakage
Fibre properties including preparation of staples, energy consumption in ginneries, electrical facts for ginneries like voltage, current, power, power factor etc., maintenance of quality of cotton, increasing the productivity and production, reduction in maintenance cost, requirement of air pressure for different unit operations, gin settings for different fibre length for high productivity, less trash content and optimum maintenance, avoidance of fires in ginneries, measurement of ginning outturn and moisture content, losses in ginneries
Calibration of HVI for ICC & HVI modes, description of operation of HVI, preparation of test reports, interpretation of test results, description of control atmosphere, air pressure and fibre properties etc., description of conventional instruments in relation to understand the basic principles of operation of HVI, exhaustive practical for operation of HVI, manual/ physical staple and verification of fibre practice, importance of conditioning of cotton, what is dry oven method for testing moisture and how it is done? what should be the sample size for cotton testing and which is the correct method to draw it from bale?
Besides, skilling on ginning, GTC has been skilling cotton growing farmers on recent developments on cotton production and post-harvest processing of cotton since the last five years. GTC provides hands-on-training on value-addition to cotton stalks. Till today, GTC has trained over 2500 farmers from Jalgaon, Wardha, Aurangabad, Jalna, Yawatmal districts of Maharashtra.
Course content
Best management practices to increase cotton productivity, use of organic inputs like biofertilizers and compost for improving soil health, integrated pest management in cotton cultivation, clean cotton picking, quality based cotton grading and safe storage, logistics and utilization of cotton stalks for various applications, value-added products from cotton by-products such as briquettes, pellets, compost, mushroom and animal feed to increase additional farm income, demonstration of particle board and seed crushing facilities at GTC, visit to research institutes and seed industries at Nagpur, entrepreneurship development on value addition to cotton and its residues
International Skilling Programs
GTC of ICAR-CIRCOT has developed and enhanced skills of over 500 government R&D, production and extension professionals of C-4 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad), Nigeria, Uganda and Malawi through organisation of in-country training programmes on ‘Post-harvest Management and Value Addition to Crop Residues’ under Cotton Technical Assistance Programme (TAP) for Africa in accordance with commitment under 2nd Indo-African Forum Summit. Thirty-one master trainers from C-4 countries, Nigeria, Uganda and Malawi were also trained by GTC of ICAR-CIRCOT at in 2013. GTC of ICAR-CIRCOT has also established a modern up to date ‘Regional Knowledge cum Training Centre for Post-harvest Management & Ginning Technology’ at Bohicon, Benin under Cotton TAP for Africa for training and demonstration of Double Roller (DR) technology in western African countries.
In addition, GTC has conducted various in-house training for African delegates in the area of Post-harvest management and value-addition of cotton. Recently, GTC conducted an international training program on “Promoting cotton by-products in Eastern and Southern Africa” under the sponsorship of UNCTAD, Geneva during 14 to 18 January 2019 in which 20 delegates representing three ESA countries viz., Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe attended the training program.
Course fee and bank details
Course fee
One Week Ginning Training: Rs. 11,800 per person (Inclusive of GST 18 %)
Farmers Training: Rs. 2950 per person (Inclusive of GST 18 %)
Bank Details:
SBI, Ravinagar, Nagpur; A/c. No.: 10199461255(Officer In-charge); IFS Code: SBIN0007504.
Contact Persons:
Dr. K. Pandiyan, Scientist & Officer In-charge, GTC, Nagpur
Phone no.:+91-022-24127273; EXT No: 503; Mob. No.:+91-8005202082
Email Id: pandiyan[dot]k[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in; circot.icar.gov.in
Shri U. D. Devikar, Technical Officer, GTC, Nagpur
Phone no.:+91-0712-2500592 ; Mob.No.: +91-9763737133