The Regional Quality Evaluation Unit of ICAR-CIRCOT, Surat is situated Athwa Farm of Navsari Agricultural University in Surat. The Unit was established during the year 1932 at Surat to assist the agricultural scientists working on cotton crop in screening the varieties for better fibre quality and spinning performance. This Unit has been active partner in various agricultural trials conducted at Surat as well as in other Research Centres in Gujarat State.
The promising strains of cotton evolved through these trials are further assessed for fibre quality. Evaluation of suitability of the strains under different agro-climatic conditions are evaluated. The Unit since its inception in 1932 have played remarkable role in the release of many varieties of cotton. These varieties were adopted and grown in different states of India and have been adopted in countries like Burma.
The unit is equipped with state of art facilities for cotton fiber quality evaluation including High Volume Instrument (HVI) (Premier ART-2), CLOY Laboratory Gin for ginning performance evaluation and Trash Separators. This unit, in addition to supporting the breeders and researchers in evaluating cotton fiber quality of evolving strains of cotton, provide testing services to traders and industry in and around Surat.
For any enquiry please contact:
Shri DhavalKumar J Dhodia, Senior Technician
Contact No.+91-261-2668845
Regional Q.E. Unit of CIRCOT, Surat
Khetiwadi Farm, Navasari Agricultural University,
Ghod Dod Road, Athwalince, Surat – 395007
Email Address: circot_1[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in