Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) as the apex public research organization has been playing a key role in the innovation processes concerning agriculture. It has been appreciated that the focus of the R&D efforts should not only be limited to increasing the productivity, but the priorities need to be oriented towards devising strategies to enhance agricultural diversification and value addition of agricultural products. It is pertinent that the research outcomes are transformed into marketable products and services that can be leveraged to generate revenue which can be pooled to further enhance R&D pursuits in ICAR. The ICAR implemented comprehensive guidelines for Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer/Commercialization from 2nd October 2006. The implementation of these Guidelines not only created an enabling policy framework but also facilitated in establishing the desired institutional mechanisms for systematic management of the intellectual property in ICAR. Thus, these provide the researchers in the ICAR institutes with procedures for operationalisation and management of ICAR’s intellectual properties as per the new IP regimes.
Intellectual Property & Technology Management (IP&TM) Unit
Intellectual Property & Technology Management (IP&TM) Unit established at the ICAR headquarters is central facilitating decision-making body at ICAR. The IP&TM Unit oversees and provide necessary advice and support to all ICAR institutes. All matters of policy concerning IPR portfolio management and technology transfer/ commercialization is decided by the IP&TM Unit in consultation with the concerned SMDs and approval of Director General, ICAR.
Zonal Institute Technology Management Committee (ZITMC)
At the zonal level the Zonal Institute Technology Management Committee (ZITMC) takes decisions for the IP and technology management of the ICAR institutions in the zone and also the inter-institutional matters. Zonal Technology Management Centre (ZTMC) is established and act as secretariat for the respective ZITMC. The ZTMC will advise the institutions in the zone regarding their IP and technology management
Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC)
At the Institute’s level the Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC) chaired by the Director is the final decision making body for IP related matters/progress/concerns. Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) will be designated/established to act as Secretariat for the respective ITMCs.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. S. K. Shukla, Director | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Sujata Saxena, Principal Scientist, CBPD | Member |
3 | Dr. N. Shanmugam, Principal Scientist, MPD | Member |
4 | Dr. A. S. M. Raja, Principal Scientist, QEID | Member |
5 | Dr. C. Sundaramoorthy, Principal Scientist | Member |
6 | Dr. B. B. Nayak, Principal Scientist, C.I.F.E | Member |
7 | Dr. K. Pandiyan, Scientist, GTC Nagpur | Member |
8 | Dr. A. K. Bharimalla, Senior Scientist, CBPD | Member secretary |
Institute Technology Management Units (ITMUs)
The ITMUs at the Institute level will pursue all IP protection, maintenance and transfer/commercialization of IPR as per the guidelines and any other administrative or policy decisions taken in the ICAR from time to time. They will seek any specific, case-to-case basis advice/assistance from the Zonal Technology Management Centres (ZTMCs) at the zonal level or the IP&TM Unit at the ICAR headquarters whenever needed.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. A.K. Bharimalla, Senior Scientist, CBPD, P.I. ICAR-CIRCOT-ITMU | Officer In charge |
2 | Dr. N. Vigneshwaran, Principal Scientist, CBPD | Member |
3 | Dr. G.Krishna Prasad, Scientist, MPD | Member |
4 | Dr.(Smt.)Sharmila S. Patil, Scientist, QEID | Member |
5 | Dr. Nishant D. Kambli, Technical Officer, QEID | Member |
6 | Mrs. Prachi R. Mhatre, Assistant Chief Technical Officer | Member Secretary |