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Timeline & Achievements

Year Achievemens
1924 Dr. A. J. Turner takes charge as Director of Technological Laboratory (now CIRCOT).
1924 First spinning test conducted in Asia in the Technological Laboratory.
1925 Development of a test method on fumigation of imported cotton for killing live boll weevils, and conduct of fumigation in the Mumbai Port.
1927 Study on Blowroom treatment on cotton
1928 to 1931 Sample of textiles, specimens of fabric over an ancient relic recovered from the archaeological Excavations at Mohenjo-Daro were investigated and the fibres identified as ‘cotton’.
1929 Commencement of the project on evaluation of representative trade varieties of Indian cottons
1930 Setting up of moisture testing Lab by Technological Laboratory in the cotton exchange building of (East India Cotton Association (EICA)
1932 First training course on cotton technology for persons deputed by industry conducted.
1933 The First Edition of the Handbook on 'Methods of Tests on Fibre, Yarn and Cloth' compiled and published. Revised and published again in the years 1948, 1966-67, 2002-03 and 2008.
1940 Recognized as the official testing house for the mills in Bombay Province by the Indian Stores Department.
1936 to 1962 Development of the unique 'Micro spinning technique', where a small quantity of lint obtained from an individual plant could be subjected to actual spinning test. This enabled the breeders to obtain comparative spinning values of quite a large number of new strains in a much shorter period of time than before and at an earlier stage of propagation. This technique is being used even today for evaluating breeders’ samples under AICCIP and other research projects.
1954 Launching of Isttechno-economic survey of Indian ginning industry.
1958 Bombay University recognizes CIRCOT for postgraduate research in Physics (Textiles).
1924 Dr. A. J. Turner takes charge as Director of Technological Laboratory (now CIRCOT).
1961 Institute participated in the Calibration program of USDA for Micronaire and Pressley Tests.
1965 CTRL included for International Cotton Calibration programme for micronaire arbitration by IFCATI, ACSA, and EICA.
1967 CIRCOT (then CTRL) becomes one of the centers of work of All India Coordinated Research Project on Cotton (AICCIP). Director, CTRL was nominated as the principle investigator, to coordinate the technological aspects under the AICCIP, initiated by ICAR. This development led to a greater coordination between CTRL and breeders, and considerably increased the tempo of research work at CTRL since technological research work was very much needed to promote the cotton in the Textile mills where quality and productivity are the only yardsticks needed by the cotton merchants. The AICCIP project is continuing till date.
1974 CIRCOT celebrated its Golden Jubilee.
1979 Advent of Rotor Spinning technology in India, with setting up research facility at CIRCOT.
1985 Setting up of Ginning Training Centre at Nagpur, Ist of its kind in Asia.
1986 Inauguration of multi-storey laboratory building
1999 Launching of much acclaimed Cotton Technology Mission by Govt. of India and CIRCOT’s active participation.
1999 Celebration of Platinum Jubilee and inauguration of Jubilee hall.
2004 CIRCOT won "Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award" for its best performance in Agricultural Research and Education
2005 Establishment of particle board plant of one Tonne per day capacity at GTC Nagpur.
2008 Foundation stone laid for a new multi-storey "YashwantraoChavan building" of CIRCOT.
2011 CIRCOT participated in hosting the World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC) in Mumbai, Ist time in Asia.
2013 CIRCOT won "Best Performing NAIP Business Planning and Development unit for Technology commercialization" at the Agri-tech investors meet-2013.
2014 Establishment of pilot plant for production of Nanocellulose with 10 kg per day capacity.
2016 ICAR-CIRCOT has established an AgriBusiness Incubation (ABI) Centre for the benet of prospective entrepreneurs who wish to start their own units using Institute technologies for post-harvest processing of cotton and value addition to its byproducts.
2017 ICAR-CIRCOT won Cashless ICAR Institute Award.
2018 ICAR-CIRCOT empaneled as approved assayer of Multi Commodity Exchange for cotton quality assessment.
2019 ICAR-CIRCOT won Award for Distinguished Research in Agriculture by Doordarshan Sahyadri, Ministry of Broadcasting, GoI.
2019 ICAR-CIRCOT won "Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award".
2019 ICAR-CIRCOT got 1st rank in Inter Institute Avishkar Research Convention Overall Championship (Pure science) organized by University of Mumbai.
2019-20 ICAR-CIRCOT elected as corporate member of American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), USA.
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