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ICAR-CIRCOT’s Green Crematorium

Image of ICAR-CIRCOT’s Green Crematorium


  • Solution for eco-friendly, efficient and rapid burning cremation using briquettes made from cotton stalks and other agro-biomasses.


image of Green-Cremetorium
  • Comprises of a trapezoidal shaped cremation chamber having provision to supply forced air draft through 6 perforated pipes
  • Air supply through 1000 CFM fan
  • Power source: single phase 1 HP fan
  • Cremation using 200 kg briquettes in 3-4 h duration

Salient Features

  • Economical: 55% saving in expenditure for cremation from Rs. 5500 to Rs. 2500
  • Saving of Fuel and Camphor: Requires 2 kg camphor against 5 kg camphor and 10 litres in conventional crematoriums
  • Eco-friendly: Saving of about 50-60 lakh trees; Very less pollution (CO2, Nox, SO2 smoke, etc.), Renewable biomass utilisation, avoiding burning of biomass in the fields.
  • Time Saving: Requires 3 and ½ hours against 6-7 hours of wood cremation
  • Suitability for performing all Traditional Social Customs
  • Generation of Rural Employment & Increasing Farm Income through utilisation of biomasses for briquetting
  • image of Green-Cremetorium
  • Operational Easiness: Very simple to operate (As good as conventional wood based crematoriums)
  • Alternate to wood and complicated and costly crematoriums such as diesel, electric and solar

Technology Commercialisation:

  • Patent has been filed and the technology is licensed to M/s. Vidarbha Sales, Nagpur since 2018

Technology Adoption:

  • Operational at Ambazari Ghat, NMC, Nagpur for last over 20 months
  • NMC, Nagpur certified that the technology is saving over 50% expenses in cremation
  • Two pieces are sold to Municipal Corporation, Chandrapur (MS)
  • Many corporations have shown interest to buy these crematoriums.
  • Over 200 cremations have been successfully carried out at Ambazari Ghat, NMC, Nagpur

Contact Details:
The Director
ICAR-CIRCOT, Matunga, Mumbai 400019.
Email: director[dot]circot[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in

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