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CIRCOT-Bajaj Cotton Pre-cleaner

Image of CIRCOT-Bajaj Cotton Pre-cleaner

The trash content is a predominant parameter to decide the grade and bale value of the cotton besides other quality attributes. High trash content deteriorates the colour grade of cotton and also increases the wear and tear of ginning machinery parts. Higher trash content in Indian cotton forced the spinning mills to resort to cotton imports. Thus pre-cleaning of cotton assumes significance to reduce the trash content from the seed cotton so as to improve the ginning performance and lint quality. ICAR-CIRCOT has developed the inclined and horizontal pre-cleaners for cotton.


  • Consists of 4-6 spiked cylinder and grid bars
  • Cleaning occurs due to rotational motion of cylinders and agitation of cottonseed across grid bars
  • Capacity: 3.5 – 6 tonnes/hour
  • Cleaning Efficiency 30-40%


  • Reduction in Trash Content (less than 2%)
  • Improve Ginning Efficiency (10-15%)
  • Improvement in Grade of Cotton
  • Bale Value Improvement : 2.5%
  • Reduce wear and tear of ginning machine

Technology Commercialization

  • Licensed to M/s. Bajaj Steel Industries Ltd., Nagpur

Technology Adoption

  • Around 700 pre-cleaners are being used in Ginning Industries in India and Abroad.
  • Identified as essential machine for modernization of Ginning Factories under Technology Mission on Cotton
  • On an average 35 units are sold per annum

Impact of the Technology

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  • Net Benefit to the Ginning Factories due to bale value improvement and incremental ginning out-turn (5%) amounts to Rs. 2085 crores (Annual benefit of Rs. 208 crores on an average)
  • If the Potential technology adoption (2500 ginning factories) is achieved the annual benefit from the technology would be around Rs 660 crores per annum.
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Contact Details:
The Director
ICAR-CIRCOT, Matunga, Mumbai 400019.
Email: director[dot]circot[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in

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